This article lists down how and from where you can download the JDBC drivers for the following databases:

MySQLSQL ServerOraclePostgreSQLApache Derby (Java DB)SQLiteH2Microsoft Access

What is Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver

As we already mentioned, the JDBC driver is used to allow Java applications to be able to communicate with different databases. It uses the JDBC API initially developed by Sun Microsystems as a means to use a standard method to access data in a variety of databases.

What is Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver Download JDBC Drivers Download JDBC Driver for MySQL Download JDBC Driver for SQL Server Download JDBC Driver for Oracle Download JDBC Driver for PostgreSQL Download JDBC Driver for Apache Derby Download JDBC Driver for SQLite Download JDBC Driver for H2 Database Download JDBC Driver for Microsoft Access Maven Dependencies for JDBC Drivers Closing Words

This technology now belongs to Oracle. The JDBC drivers allow you to write one application that can send SQL statements to different data sources. There are 4 different types of JDBC drivers:

JDBC-ODBC bridge driverNative-API driver (partially java driver)Network Protocol driver (fully java driver)Thin driver (fully java driver)

Each of these driver types has its advantages and disadvantages. However, that is not what we will be discussing in this post.

Download JDBC Drivers

Refer to the below sections to download the respective JDBC drivers. Note: Some drivers are downloaded as JAR files, which need to be added directly to your application’s classpath. While some drivers come as zipped bundles, which need to be extracted and then copy the appropriate JAR file to your application’s classpath.

Download JDBC Driver for MySQL

Download JDBC Driver for SQL Server

Download JDBC Driver for Oracle

Download JDBC Driver for PostgreSQL

Download JDBC Driver for Apache Derby

Download JDBC Driver for SQLite

Download JDBC Driver for H2 Database

Download JDBC Driver for Microsoft Access

This is how you can install the JDBC drivers for the respective databases. However, if your project uses Maven, then you will need to make a few changes to the POM.XML file as well. Alternatively, you can also download older versions of the drivers from the given table below.

Maven Dependencies for JDBC Drivers

In case your project uses Maven, add the respective piece of code to the POM.XML file. Note: The versions of the dependencies listed in the code below may not be up to date. You can search on Maven Central Repository for the latest versions.

Maven dependency for MySQL JDBC driver mysql mysql-connector-java 8.0.11 Maven dependency for Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server     mssql-jdbc     8.2.1.jre11 Maven dependency for Oracle JDBC Driver ojdbc8 1.0 system d:/Path/To/Oracle/ojdbc8-full/ojdbc8.jar Maven dependency for PostgreSQL JDBC Driver org.postgresql postgresql 42.2.2.jre7 Maven dependency for SQLite JDBC Driver org.xerial sqlite-jdbc Maven dependency for Apache Derby JDBC Driver org.apache.derby derby Maven dependency for H2 JDBC Driver com.h2database h2 2.1.210 Maven dependency for Microsoft Access JDBC Driver net.sf.ucanaccess ucanaccess 4.0.4

Closing Words

The JDBC drivers are not for everyone, but only for those developers who need to make their applications communicate with various types of databases. If you are one of those, we certainly hope that this article helped you find the right drivers for your project.