Your laptop will not charge if AC adapter goes belly up. You should take the following steps if this problem occurs: If you don’t know what you are doing, do not play with electricity, it could be dangerous. Just go and buy a new charger. If you believe that the input cord is fine, problem lies in the rectangular adapter box. You may have the urge of opening the adapter and see if something is loose inside. But this is not advisable because once opened you cannot close the adapter again! The adapter case is made in a way that provides no way to open it in a civilized manner. You’ll have to break it open! To satiate your curiosity, here is the photograph of the innards of my AC adapter after I broke it open. Then I went to a nearby ASUS showroom. They also expressed their helplessness as the same adapter was not available with them too. In the end, I asked at many local “laptop/desktop repair” shops. One of these shops had a similar adapter. I bought it for Rs. 350 (US$ 7) along with the input cord. My original adapter was giving an output of 19V/2.1A and the new one I bought is 19V/1.58A. This new adapter is working fine. The shop gave me a 3 months warranty as well. I hope this article was of use in your quest for a new charger for your laptop. Please share if you have any more tips in this regard. Also, feel free to ask if you have any questions. I will try to answer and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin! I did some research and found that the tension (Volts) is ok to vary 5%. So 18,5V or 19,5V will also work. Current (Amps) should be same or higher. Lower current is not recommended as it can heat up the adapter and fail. Hope this helps. Comment * Name * Email * Website